Author Archives: Brittany Silveira

dirty chai recipe

What is a Dirty Chai + Dirty Chai Recipe

What if we told you there’s a chai latte meant for both coffee and tea lovers? That’s right folks, Starbucks secret menu isn’t the only place that knows about this delicious drink. With cold weather fast approaching, we welcome the dirty chai latte with open arms. And no, before you ask there is no actual […]


How to Make a Strong Coffee – Six Things to Consider

If you ask someone how they like their coffee, the most likely answer they’ll give you is that they like it strong. But what makes a coffee strong? Well, it doesn’t refer to how much caffeine it has or how bitter it is. It’s the rich, bold, flavourful taste that a cup of coffee provides. […]

5 teas for weight loss

Five Best Teas for Weight Loss

If you’re trying to slim down and lose weight, you need to forget Coke Zero, Diet Coke and sugar-free lattes because there is a much better weight loss beverage out there that will get you fast results. It’s also everyone’s favourite beverage – tea! Tea diets are the new in thing and it’s because they […]

robusta vs arabica blog

Robusta Coffee vs. Arabica Coffee: Which One Should You Choose?

All coffee beans almost look the same once roasted. But, the fact that coffee comes from the plant, divides it into genetic families. Believe it or not, there are actually 120+ coffee species! Among them, the two primary types really matter for the taste of your coffee are Robusta coffee and Arabica coffee. What does […]

why is coffee called joe grosche

Why is Coffee Called Joe? + Expresso vs. Espresso

A new morning…the rich aroma of something brewing in the kitchen wakes you up again. Are you ready for a big cup of joe? Espresso or expresso, which do you prefer? Coffee is millions of people’s favourite around the world. It is such a wonderful drink that people even start giving nicknames to it. In […]