I've had this French Press for a couple of months now - and I'm really happy with it.
I think it's a good looking unit. We have it sit on our countertop all of the time because we use it frequently, and it's a really good looking piece. My wife has commented several times that she thinks it's beautiful. I'd have to agree, I like the aesthetics.
It functions really well - as most quality french presses tend to. Screen seems to be good, and although it lets a small amount of "silty" grounds through, I attribute that more so to the medium grind that we get from our local roaster (not a true course grind as recommended). I've by no means ever noticed a gritty texture.
Lastly, buying plastic free products is a point of emphasis for me - to avoid plastics whenever possible. This unit is completely plastic free, which I love. A french press doesn't need a single bit of plastic to function well, while most popular ones on the market have some component of plastic. When buying products that don't NEED to be plastic, I'll always opt for ones that choose to avoid using it - for health and pollution reasons. I understand the argument that a glass beaker is more delicate than plastic, but it just means handling it with the same care as your plates or cocktail glasses. If you own a wine glass (vs. a solo cup), I think you can handle a glass carafe french press. And, if it does break, then you can get a new one and don't have to worry about the waste byproducts of this natural product...
Great french press - highly recommended!